This page contains software and instructions for a Matlab-based GUI interface for loading and playing the CMU Motion Capture dataset.
>> cd mocgui
>> ls
addPath.m mocgui.m demo.m mocgui.fig data lib src
>> addPath
>> mocgui
data: | This folder contains a subset of the CMU Motion Capture dataset. |
src: | This folder contains the main implementation of the GUI interface. |
lib: | This folder contains some necessary library functions. |
addPath.m: | Adds the sub-directories into the path of Matlab. |
mocgui.m: | The interface function. |
mocgui.fig: | The Matlab fig file to save the window configuration. |
demoMoc.m: | A demo file for loading and visualizing motion capture data. |
This software is free for use in research projects. If you publish results obtained using this software, please use this citation:
Contributing back bugfixes and improvements is polite and encouraged. If you have any question, feel free to contact Feng Zhou.